"Most people live their lives on the surface of their being, exposed to the touch of external influences. And when they meet some unpleasant being behaving just like the way they behave, they become extremely upset.
You must always step back into
yourself. This means that you must learn to go deep within.
The problem
here arises out of their
being not used to stepped back.
Why, allow yourself to be influenced by superficial forces of the external world?
Even if you are in hurry of doing something, step back for a while. You will be surprised at how much sooner or easier you can accomplish your work with greater success.
Even if someone is angry at you, do not get caught up in his or her vibrations. Simply step back, and his or her vibrations, finding no feedback or support, will dissolve.
Always keep your peace within.
Resist all temptations to lose it.
Learn to go deep within before you speak.
Teach yourself to step back before you make a decision.
All that which belongs to this material world is useless and temporary so there is nothing really worth getting upset about.
That which is lasting, eternal and infinite is indeed worth having, worth striving for, worth attaining.
Divine Light,
Divine Love,
Divine Life,
are worth attaining as Supreme Peace,
Ananda and mastery over egoistical dimension.
inner peace, so that when you call on the Divine Force and as you await for the answer, you will know exactly what to do.
Be the inspiration.... find Divinity in all beings.
If you cannot see the divinity in them, free them from
you. "
Excerpts from "Words of my Perfect Teacher".