May 29, 2012

Why is "IKO Sosai" so small.

Hiya everyone,

Someone got worried reading the gossip in the cyber space! I told them not to worry but here you go....

One main reason is,  my mother always told me to respect my father's Branch chief's. Not the person but my father's choice. And she demonstrated this to me even when "respectable shihan's" (sorry, I can puke really saying it lol.) were lying in her name to collect money and speaking ill of her. My only thought about them was l-o-s-e-r-s.

So although we had many people here in Japan, under the older Shihan's make membership inquiries we did not want to take them, until we knew it was okay on their (the branch chief's)  side. Which was not very often.

And not like they helped us. But my mother showed me very intensely that we did not have to do what they do. We did not have to be one of them. And she did this with ease and grace.... while I was fuming and kicking the sand bag- mentally attaching their picture on it. (lol)

She also gently pointed out to me that 99% of them had nothing else if not for Kyokushin Karate. Although I think some of them take advantage of their "short coming", she was right.

However they did not "get it" that Mother was being lenient with them! They probably don't get it because it is not intrinsic to them. What can I say... even Jesus had Judas....(@+@)

Time change and nothing stands still. Everything must be experiential to make it your own and this was a great big lesson and a gift from my Mother to us.

The students at and the current Dojo Operators and Branch chiefs of Honbu is about experiencing"us". As we continue to respect my father and my mother's wishes, that will be what they adopt and adapt to. That is how the lineage is passed on.

Talking (and typing) "honoring Sosai" and "loyalty to Sosai" sometimes is done for their own promotion. That is why we surround ourselves with those who work to tread the path no one has treaded, rather than riding on coattail of other's and bicker to grab the credit.

The summation is, it is best to have one dedicated friend/student than a hundred that are clueless.

 It is a two way street of understanding and the goal is always one, for Sosai. (^^)/

What pushed me through....

Hi everyone,

 I get many emails about my blog posts but no one leaves comments!

That's ok, I guess I mostly have secret reader's... Hehehe...

 Whenever I got down and was close to giving up, I read what my father wrote in his book (of course) just like a lot of you. He was really about perserverance and knowing what is true.

 I also had this quote by Salma Hayek, the actor. She said this in one of her lecture and posted it in my office, up on my wall so I can look every time I felt discouraged.

 "How do you fight this level of ignorance? You don't- but if you are right, eventually you will over ride it. And if I don't, the next generation will. But you can never fall into the trap of thinking like them or putting importance on them. Embrace adversity with everything you have because it is your greatest teacher. Embrace with everything you've got. And learn from it. If they still try, ignore them, they don't know what they are talking about anyway. They will be proved wrong- as soon as someone takes the chance."

 I hope this inspires you too. It really helped me put things in perspective. Have a nice day~~~!