Mar 19, 2012


Akira graduated his Jr. High school today. We are so proud of the work he put in his schooling.... Dad looks so proud...(^O^)/

Mar 18, 2012

Democracy Handicap?

I recently had an interesting opportunity to observe "human conduct" in Kyokushin world regarding agreements.

The people that came from what was considered "democratic" countries, have huge problem signing contracts. They feel bound and some go to the extent of falling silent or quitting without asking or offering a suggestion.

The Dojos that are from a republic or formerly a communist country is surprisingly very easy to work with. All work together to see how they can conform and adapt to the contract with their voices also implemented in the agreement. And they don't do this from some obnoxious I-am-equal theme and argue just for the sake of arguing. They keep in the line of command from Honbu and offer suggestions that will work best for them, which we will never know until we are told about!

It became apparent the ones that rambled on about "freedom" etc were very sloppy with money as well. It almost reminded me of what the factories that made fake brand goods used to say when they got persecuted for infringement.

The irony here is the merchandise is karate not handbags!!! It is one big headache but it made us really appreciate those working hard, and who are sound enough to offer suggestions! Without silly questioning or inane diatribe, I must add.