Nov 22, 2012

Holiday Season (already????)

Wow how quickly time flies!

The highest knowledge.

Krishna said to Arjuna in one of the verse from the Gita.

"You know Arjuna, although your words are wise, they are not based in Truth. You really should not be grieving for these people you know, because those who are truly wise do not grieve for anyone- either living or dead. "Chapter 2:11.

I felt a lightening bolt strike my imaginary brain!!!! This verse helps me again and again, I stupidly forget you see? But this one verse contains the whole message of....  the most sacred knowledge. Because we are silly it will take me lifetime to fully absorb this and even oversee it most times, something dropped on me today. Change the view point and your world changes.

So, I just wanted to share with you all.... nothing new but it certainly made my day a lot better!

I hope everyone is having a fulfilling and joyous time preparing for the holidays etc....