Jun 18, 2011

What is "stealing".

It not only pertains to material things~~~!

One with integrity (the yogi) literally embodies this "asteya" and as a result receives benefits from all sides wherever they go. Asteya has been included as a Yama in many yogic texts, foremost among them the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Though no definition is given an outcome upon its establishment is offered;
     "Asteyapratishthayamsarvaratnopasthanam" (PYS II.37)~ Patanjali Yoga Sutra

     When the yogi has established (in him/herself) the principle of non-theft, all treasures attend upon him/her.

Taking a thing not given by its owner or to which one is not entitled, is "steya" or stealing. To forsake such a thing and not to have even a desire to possess it is "Asteya", according to Swami HariharanandaAranya.

How much of this can we incorporate in Kyokushin? I think wholly!