Hello P-p's!
Just wanted to share with you about my teeny encounter yesterday with a student of my father yesterday.
He commented on the situation in Europe (in particular) and it got me writing this blog... (^^)
At the moment we have a wonderful Kyokushin student in Romania as our Branch chief. Apparently there's Midori's group close by to his hometown. The peculiar thing that was told to me yesterday was that the group from Midori wears my father's Kyokushin kai marked gi.
It got me thinking, is this like having a LV logo on a Chanel bag? A bag is a bag- just as karate is karate.. but the naming and originality makes the delineation clear no?
I hear people mentioning here and there how much they respect Sosai, "therefore" they opt to wear Kyokushin kai Gi. Which is fine- the great Andy Hug wore Kyokushinkai Gi to sleep for years (so I read somewhere... very inspirational!) But he did not wear it in front of Ishi Kancho no?
I think what I feel is that Kyokushin kai was a specific name Sosai chose to represent his karate on the Dogi, which is (and should be) exclusive for Kyokushinkaikan students.
It is easy to muddle the line for those benefitting from the muddling. It certainly is not for those working to keep the line clear and clean. Like Sosai had it clear.