Mar 12, 2011

Earth Quake 2.

Hello Everyone,

First of all I am shocked to actually see the devastation around Shirakawa, Fukushima Prefecture. And this was not even the epicenter. I have to move robotic to keep my "upbeat" energy but it is very bad. And I say again, this is not even the epicenter.

The water pipes are shut down.  the to help the distribution from other areas we have volunteered. I am not a trained staff and I regret I cannot do more.

There are a lot of fire even around Honbu area. The trembler is still coming and going. We closed our training session but opened the dojo to those just need a place to rest.

I am writing from my iphone where there is connection.

The nuclear energy meltdown occurred in two locations. Everyone is scared.

Please do go online and help if you can.

I can't find the one's in Englsih! Excuse me .

There are Honbu Black belts in the Maritime Self Defense/Japan Army so bless them too for all the work they are doing now.

In Light of Sosai and my mother Chiyako,
