Dec 27, 2011

What is Shoshin?


So I was asked what my thoughts are on the meaning of the word
Shoshin" is. The word itself, 初心 is literally translated to "Beginning" and "Heart".

I have heard people ramble on about humility and being humble etc... etc... but I always feel the heart of Shoshin, Beginner, is that spark you feel in your being. That little twinkle of curiosity and the knowing of not-knowing is what makes us feel like beginners. Of course this leads to being humble- understanding with our heart that we are just a beginner is humbling!

Sosai always had that beginners curiosity and zeal to learn and deepened whatever he set his  mind to. Which made him a student forever. And how glorious it that? To be a teacher as well as a student (^^)/.