Sorry for my absence here but I traveled around a bit since last month. Lucky for me, the final destination was NYC.
As you may know, I heart NY like my second home. I lived there since all through my highschool and university years. Having a Dojo in NY means a great deal to me even though I separate my work from Kyokushin activities. This time I met up with Honbu Dojo's and I had such a great time! It reconfirmed that it never is quite the same to know someone over the internet. The wholeness is not the same of meeting that person and seeing them.
Here are some picture's... I'm going to
post what fasting I did this time on another blog so please check that as well(#^.^#)
Sensei Raul and his wife Rachel. They are so cute!
Sensei Bill Brown and his wife Sharon. Such lovely people.
At Brooklyn Dojo.
Me at the pier.... photographed by Raul Dueno.
Torii and the calligraphy of Kyokushin kai.